
The Albert Rine Memorial
23nd Oklahoma Scholastic Chess
Saturday, November 9, 2024
At the University of Tulsa
Allen Chapman Student Union
3135 E 5th Place in Tulsa, Oklahoma
Skittles/waiting area for parents is the cafeteria on the first floor. Playing halls are the second-floor ballrooms.
Doors open. There is no check-in; all registered players will be paired.
Round One for all sections will begin following announcements in the playing hall. Subsequent rounds are paired ASAP with a break for lunch*. Awards ceremonies take place for each section ASAP after that section's final round is complete.
*Usually after round 2 or 3, depending on how long the morning rounds are taking in your player's section. To avoid being late for the after-lunch round, parents are advised to keep players onsite rather than taking them out for lunch.
Last-minute cancellations or late arrivals please text 405-642-6136. This allows us to start our tournament on time and eliminates pairing players with no-shows. Thank you!
Format is the same for all sections.
5-SS, G/25;d0 (Swiss, five rounds. Game in 25 minutes with no increment or delay) Affects quick rating only.
Sections & Prizes
Players will be grouped in sections by school grade. Grades K & 1 and grades 11 & 12 will be combined.
🏆 Trophies for first, second, and third-place individuals* and for first-place teams*.
🏆 Outstanding Performance trophies for scores of 4.0 or higher.
🎖️ Medals for scores of 3.0 or higher.
*in each section, with one exception: individual trophies will be awarded for both grades 11 and 12, even though these grades will be combined into one section for pairings purposes.
Sets are provided for tournament games, but players are encouraged to bring their own for skittles (waiting area).
Players who wish to use a clock should bring their own. If you would like to purchase a clock, we recommend any of these tournament-suitable clocks from Wholesale Chess.
Notation is not required at quick-rated time controls.
Players and parents are responsible for knowing OSCO tournament rules before the tournament. If you have not yet done so, please take a moment to read them here, discuss them with your player, and contact us if you have questions. Thank you!
Spectator policy
Spectators are not permitted in the playing hall while games are being played. Players must exit the playing hall after finishing their games and reporting their scores.
When the first round is paired, parents are encouraged to accompany their players into the gymnasium to help them find their boards and listen to morning announcements. You may remain for the first five minutes of the first round only to observe your player and take a photo. After the first five minutes, we will ask you to return to the waiting area.
For rounds 2-5, parents who wish to escort their players into the playing hall may do so, but must then return to the waiting area. Since we need to keep the playing hall quiet, please, no talking in the gym while finding your child's board.
Registration ends November 7.
No registrations will be accepted after the deadline.
Register using the form on this page. Entry is $30/player. Parents registering three or more siblings at the same time: $20/player.
This tournament is a Championship event. Only Oklahoma resident K-12 players are permitted to enter.
Current US Chess membership is required. If your child is an Oklahoma resident and has never been a US Chess member, OSCO will sponsor their first year of membership. Once you've completed registration, you will receive a confirmation email with a link for a voucher for new players. Please submit the form to us right away so your child's membership can be processed in time for the tournament.
If your child's US Chess membership has expired, OSCO provides a discounted membership for Oklahoma resident K-12 players. Cost is $10/year. Please choose the regular entry + renewal option ($40). After registering your player, follow the voucher renewal link in your confirmation email and fill out the form. We will process the membership renewal for you.
For general tournament or registration questions, requests to change section or team affiliation, or cancellations before the registration deadline, send an email to osco.td@gmail.com.
For payment questions or refund requests made before the registration deadline, send an email to osco_treasurer@ochess.org.